Aquatic insect sampling. Stonefly nymph, Corte Madera Creek
Biological Assessment:
Habitat Assessment (Aquatic/Riparian/ Upland)
Population Data (Presence/Absence, Abundance, Distribution)
Historical Research and Compilation
Underwater Surveying
Salmonid Habitat Assessment and Ranking
Remote Sensing
Aquatic Invertebrate Sampling
Aerial Surveying
Project Management:
Project Development
Design Coordination and Planning
Alternatives Analysis Development
Landowner Outreach
Agency Coordination and Permitting
SE managed the permitting, design, and implementation of this flashboard dam modification and notching project to improve fish passage and maintain the productive rearing habitat in the downstream pool. West Union Creek,
Woodside CA
Project Implementation Management
Post-Project Monitoring
Technical Report and Grant Writing
Public Speaking
Fish Passage Evaluation and Project Implementation:
Migration Barrier Identification/Assessment
Barrier Ranking and Prioritization
Restoration Recommendations/Feasibility
Fish Passage Project Management
(See "Project Management" services)
Photography and Videography:
Aerial (Airplane and Helicopter)
Underwater Photography and Video
Remote Photography (Infrared Trapping)
Documentary Film Production
Underwater salmonid population surveying and photo-documentation. Steelhead fry shortly after emerging from spawning gravels. Absorbed yolk sac
bulge still visible on the belly. Big Sur River, CA
Aquatic insect sampling.
Caddisfly larvae grazing on boulders in
the Smith River, CA
SE managed five different contracts and collaborated with over a dozen agencies and other stakeholders over the course of five years to see through the removal of Horse Creek Dam on a tributary to the Wild and Scenic Sisquoc River. Here’s the dam in its final moment as the primer cord and explosives go off. Steelhead trout and other native aquatic species now have access to over 19 miles of habitat upstream of this former migration barrier.
Aerial photography. Mouth of San Francisquito Creek and San Francisco Bay from SE designated pilot Bob Stoecker’s airplane.
Scuba assisted trout and salmon population count for the Smith River Alliance.
Topsmelt and Shiner Surfperch. San Francisco Bay natives.
Bear claw markings on an alder tree
along Sespe Creek reveal a
history of bear occupation
in the